Tuesday 4 June 2013

Aries- The Ram {Ace Sign}

“I want it & I actually want it right away….!!!”

If you say this often and are as strong-headed as this statement…then undoubtedly you are an Arien!!!

Being extremely direct, deceptiveness or treachery is something foreign to them. Aries are fairly bursting with ideas and creative energy. 

When in love, Ariens are too much romantic, loyal and sincere just like Romeo & Juliet. But if it breaks in half without any fault of theirs, they’ll start looking for a new Juliet ;)

Ariens are idealist and egoist at the same time and hate to admit that they’re wrong. They love to do it all on their own, taking lead and making the first move. 

An Arien woman wants to be the leader in romance and don’t mind even proposing her Mr. Perfect. Arien Men are “A Man’s Man”, being generous with his cash; he will give you whatever you need. 

Forgive and forget as easily as they do! That is the level of understanding Ariens expect in everyone around... :)

For all the Ariens around me…. I completely adore you the way you are…stay the same always!!!!