Friday 20 September 2013

Leo- The Lion

People born under the sign of the “Big Cat” are believed to display a joyful smile and an arrogant pride. They rule you, yes they certainly do…but don’t tell them ;)

Leos hate boredom, always in to some kind of activity, they justly live in style. Very few Leos are found to be cautious with cash. Love to spend freely on fun and pleasure, Leos are always said to be extremely extravagant.

When they work, they work..When they play, they play..When they rest, they rest…they live their life their way, So my piece of advice ‘avoid messing around with their lifestyle’.

Leos appreciate beauty, they love to compliment people around may it be looks or sometimes intellect but they also (without you knowing) expect the similar level of admiration from your end. If you don’t mind submerging your ego and building a better life…trust me you’ve got the perfect one (LEO) around who’ll adore you and stand there for you always.

Forgiveness and sympathy are part of a Leo’s inner nature. Respect their wisdom and generosity and they would soon be among the most wonderful people around you.

To all the lovely Leos…a word of thanks and praise….you guys are simply PERFECT!!!!

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