Monday 22 September 2014


Hello everyone... after almost an year... your SUNSIGN SPEAKER is back.... I've been thinking to make a comeback with my posts but wasn't sure about exactly which sign to pick...

Today's a special day for i thought of writing about sunsign compatibility... ;)

So here I have VIRGO & GEMINI

Virgo- Earth
A Virgo Woman is an exquisite delight and in truer sense a perfectionist. One great thing about being in love with her is that she'll do all your worrying, and even enjoy it. Their better-halves certainly know.....what a clever wit lies inside that pretty head. 
The quiet courage and deep sense of responsibility of Virgo women acts as a magic glue to hold large families together. Expect every ounce of loyalty and devotion from this woman.

Gemini- Air
A Gemini man can say I LOVE YOU in a hundred different ways, like no one else in the world could do. His cheerful and friendly nature seeks companionship always. His duality of expression makes him all the more attractive. 
Someday, he might criticize your shoes, lipstick or dressing and the next hour he'll be unusually tender and might end up sharing some imaginative hopes for future. He's as quick as lightning. 

Gemini man and Virgo woman are very vocal towards each other. Being mutable signs, they are quite flexible and able to adapt to change at a moment’s notice. Gemini man and Virgo woman may have differences of nature and opinion but actually that’s the reason they are so much deeply in love and find each other fascinating.  

Love you my Gemini Bhaiya & Virgo Bhabhi.... you guys are certainly my role-model.

Friday 20 September 2013

Leo- The Lion

People born under the sign of the “Big Cat” are believed to display a joyful smile and an arrogant pride. They rule you, yes they certainly do…but don’t tell them ;)

Leos hate boredom, always in to some kind of activity, they justly live in style. Very few Leos are found to be cautious with cash. Love to spend freely on fun and pleasure, Leos are always said to be extremely extravagant.

When they work, they work..When they play, they play..When they rest, they rest…they live their life their way, So my piece of advice ‘avoid messing around with their lifestyle’.

Leos appreciate beauty, they love to compliment people around may it be looks or sometimes intellect but they also (without you knowing) expect the similar level of admiration from your end. If you don’t mind submerging your ego and building a better life…trust me you’ve got the perfect one (LEO) around who’ll adore you and stand there for you always.

Forgiveness and sympathy are part of a Leo’s inner nature. Respect their wisdom and generosity and they would soon be among the most wonderful people around you.

To all the lovely Leos…a word of thanks and praise….you guys are simply PERFECT!!!!

Tuesday 4 June 2013

Aries- The Ram {Ace Sign}

“I want it & I actually want it right away….!!!”

If you say this often and are as strong-headed as this statement…then undoubtedly you are an Arien!!!

Being extremely direct, deceptiveness or treachery is something foreign to them. Aries are fairly bursting with ideas and creative energy. 

When in love, Ariens are too much romantic, loyal and sincere just like Romeo & Juliet. But if it breaks in half without any fault of theirs, they’ll start looking for a new Juliet ;)

Ariens are idealist and egoist at the same time and hate to admit that they’re wrong. They love to do it all on their own, taking lead and making the first move. 

An Arien woman wants to be the leader in romance and don’t mind even proposing her Mr. Perfect. Arien Men are “A Man’s Man”, being generous with his cash; he will give you whatever you need. 

Forgive and forget as easily as they do! That is the level of understanding Ariens expect in everyone around... :)

For all the Ariens around me…. I completely adore you the way you are…stay the same always!!!!

Monday 20 May 2013

Pisces...Sign of fishes

Do you love to be in your own dreams…imaginative world…illusions….if the answer is yes… then let me tell you my dear friend you are one of those born under the sign of fishes, THE PISCEANS!!!!!!!!!!!

Being the last sign, Pisceans have the characteristics of all 11 signs but mostly these qualities remain hidden. Said to be the selfless, compassionate, helpful, sympathetic and charitable of all; treat yourself extremely lucky if you have a Piscean around.

Born under the element water, Pisceans are emotional, sensitive and possess a hidden romance that they love to cater to their beloved in their dreams.

Pisceans are mostly associated with dreams, secrets and their own illusive world and thus sometimes find it difficult to see the difference between fact & fantasy. Even after all these characteristics, Pisceans are truly fun people who take life as it comes.

Lucky to have so many Pisceans around……Love you all!!!!

Friday 10 May 2013

Gemini- The most colorful & vivacious of all..!!!

When it comes to discussing Geminis, I believe I would have to write two or probably multiple posts. As it’s always said a true Gemini has twin or sometimes multiple personalities....

 Geminis are said to be the most romantic with intense passion and irresistible nature to make a perfect blend with their mental, physical and spiritual self.

A Gemini girl equals several other women; she has that mysterious trait that would let you know more and more about her. "Love is of a kind"...Geminis are too flirtatious and treat romance a game, until they are immature.

Interesting people to communicate, Geminis have a strong convincing power along with a beautiful smile. With oodles of knowledge, brilliance and wit, a Gemini would never let you get bored of their company. 

But I cannot guarantee about them, as they are said to be born with wings and always ready to fly. With their mind revolving in various directions, sometimes it gets impossible to hold on a Gemini at one place, one job or probably one work….

You must be wondering, how am I writing so much about  Gemini, trust me it’s not only based on my reading of Linda but also based on my own life as I am myself a GEMINI and extremely proud of being one..born under this sign..!!!!

Wednesday 8 May 2013

World of sun signs

What if you’re lost in a world of sun signs???

What if you know well in advance, how so and so person would behave??

What if the sun sign of someone lets you know the compatibility level??

What if you get to know several things about people around you??

What if all that am writing here makes you believe that ....yes, this is so true.. !!!!

Sounds interesting…. am i right???

These sun signs have always captured everyone’s attention but least does anyone bothers to read about them. Or if you are one of those who are huge fans of "Linda Goodman"
…like me, then this write-up would interest you more or maybe I can get some nice ideas… ;)

We all meet different kinds of people every day. Some interest us whereas some are really boring…so to say some are sharp..some are dumb. But let’s not be judgemental.

I am not here to give my judgements or analysis about anyone. I just feel like sharing my experiences that I’ve had with people of various sun signs.

Hope it lets you stay connected to me…..more to come..!!!!